Foods that Can Naturally Freshen Your Breath
Posted on 11/9/2020 by Office |
While some foods are not good to eat, as they cause mouth odors, you can still offset the problem by finding out what foods naturally freshen the breath. The following information will help you find healthier foods for your oral hygiene regimen and overall health.
What Foods or Beverages Make the Breath Smell Good?
According to the website Everyday Health, the pungent oils in foods, such as garlic and onions, travel to the lungs through the blood and then are breathed out. Parsley, spearmint, and cinnamon can also mask bad breath in the same way. Other herbs that camouflage mouth odors include cilantro, coriander, eucalyptus, tarragon, cardamom, and rosemary. In fact, you might think about planting a fresh breath herb garden. It is also helpful to drink green tea, which contains the antioxidant, catechin. This substance fights off the bacteria that causes the breath to take on a bad odor.
Other Foods that Clean Away Mouth Odors
Researchers have also found that eating yogurt helps reduce mouth-causing odors. That is because the food contains active cultures and probiotics (good bacteria) that overpower halitosis. You can also get the same results from foods, such as apples and pears, which increase the saliva flow. This flow is necessary to rebalance the oral environment. Some fruits, which are packed with vitamin C, such as oranges, berries, and melons, also keep bad bacteria in check. They also can be eaten to fight off gum infections that trigger bad smelling breath. Foods like celery, cucumbers, and carrots can be used to rinse away bacteria as can nuts. The fiber-rich content of fruits, nuts, and veggies work like teeny toothbrushes, which keep odor-causing bacteria from leaving their mark on the teeth.
If you have any problems with halitosis, give us a call to discuss a treatment option and to improve your diet. Call us immediately with any of your oral care concerns.