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Dental Implant Restoration
Marysville, WA

Image of a dental implant at Grove Street Family Dentistry in Marysville, WA. Dental implants are a great option for patients interested in replacing their missing teeth with something that looks and feels natural. Dental implants come in various sizes, levels of quality, and designs. Still, they all serve the same purpose: to replace missing teeth with artificial teeth using one piece of titanium and a crown.

At Grove Street Family Dentistry, we specialize in dental implant restoration and are highly trained to provide the highest quality of care for your dental needs.

Dental Implant Materials

Titanium is the most common dental implant material. It has a low cost and is biocompatible. Titanium can be used in all types of dental bridges, anterior and posterior restorations, and fixed partial dentures.

Zirconium dioxide is another ceramic material that can be used as an alternative to titanium in many cases. It has similar properties to titanium but is less commonly used. Zirconium dioxide is a resin-like material with characteristics similar to metal alloys, making it ideal for bonding with other materials such as zirconia ceramics or composite resin-based materials.

Effects of Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is a very common problem, affecting over 50 million Americans. It can be painful, inconvenient, and even embarrassing. Tooth loss is often caused by periodontal disease or dental caries. However, it can also be caused by trauma to the teeth or by dental implants that don't fit properly.

While tooth loss can cause pain and inconvenience, many other health problems stem from losing your teeth.

Bad Breath

Bad breath is a serious issue for many people who have lost their teeth due to gum disease or periodontal disease. While it's not something you need to worry about if you brush regularly with fluoride toothpaste and floss regularly, bad breath will become more noticeable as more bacteria colonize your gum pockets.

Difficulty Eating Certain Foods

Certain foods may be hard for people who have lost their teeth because they cannot bite into them properly; this makes it difficult to consume healthy foods regularly and maintain good nutrition levels.

Decline in Emotional Health

Losing one or more teeth can affect how you feel about yourself and how you interact with others. You may feel self-conscious about your appearance if you have gaps in your smile or missing one of your front teeth.

Dental Implant Placement

Dental implant placement is a procedure that involves placing a titanium-reinforced prosthetic in place of missing teeth. The prosthetic is custom-made to fit your mouth, and it's designed to be as comfortable as possible.

Implant surgeries are referred to a specialist, either an Oral Surgeon or Periodontist. The dentist will first map out your mouth using an intraoral camera and x-ray, which helps determine the size of each tooth that will be replaced with an implant.

Once you have agreed on the size of your new teeth, the surgeon will prepare your gums with numbing medication before making holes in your jawbone where the implants will be placed. The surgeon then uses a special drill to create channels through which they place each implant into place.

Is Dental Implant Restoration Right For You?

If you are suffering from a lost or damaged tooth, dental implant restoration may be the solution to your problem. At Grove Street Family Dentistry, we offer the most advanced permanent restorative services available. We specialize in dental implant restoration and provide a wide range of services to meet your individual needs. We are committed to providing our patients with the highest quality dental implant restorations possible. Contact us today at (360) 659-3200.
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Dental Implant Restoration • Marysville, WA • Grove Street Dentistry
At Grove Street Family Dentistry, we specialize in dental implant restoration. Click here to learn more about it today!
Grove Street Family Dentistry - Tania Tran, DMD, 1533 Grove Street, Marysville, WA 98270-4325 | (360) 659-3200 | | 9/5/2024 | Related Terms: dentist |